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Welcome to the Mildred ISD Nurse's page. 
school nurse
Mildred ISD aims to promote the health and well being of the school community. Services provided through the health office include emergency care, assessment, and intervention with health issues, medication administration, health counseling, and routine screenings.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to communicate with the school nurse regarding their child's health concerns.
On this page you will find our current forms. These forms are to be completed every returning school year.
Please do no hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. 
Kathryn Harper BSN, RN,CIC                                                                                         Erika Richter LVN
Mildred ISD School Nurse/Health Coordinator                                                                Mildred ISD School Nurse
903-872-6505 Ext. 2099 JH/HS                                                                                        903-872-6505 Ext. 2098 ES
Puberty Education is part of the Mildred ISD curriculum based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) requirements.  The district curriculum was chosen and approved by the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) which consists of parents, teachers, nurses, administrators, community members and students.


The district guidelines state that we teach 4th grade girls as well as 5th grade boys and girls about the maturation process. This teaching is done in the Spring.  Boys and girls are taught in separate classes. A letter stating the date of the class and requesting your permission for the teaching will be sent home to be signed and returned. Students who do not turn in the permission form will not participate in the lesson.


Our district guidelines also provide pertinent information to the 4th grade boys about physical hygiene/Puberty. This teaching is also done in the spring.


Instruction for each class is by video and live discussion. The links below will allow you to see the study guide and/or transcript that accompanies the video. Please contact your campus nurse with any questions.

JH/HS Partners with our local Hope Center. The Curriculum that is used:
JH- Also will have a Health Course with Curriculum from Goodheart-Wilcox. This Curriculum meets 100% Health TEKS and is approved by SBOE.
Q&A: What you need to know about fentanylOpioid Overdose: How To Respond & Prevent Death
Mildred ISD Wellness Plan
  • In the State of Texas it is a requirement to show proof of immunizations before starting school.
  • If your child does not receive vaccines, you must have an original affidavit from the state.
  • If you are transferring from another school within the state of Texas, you must show proof of immunizations on day of enrollment.
  • All other students will need records by the first day of school.