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Mrs. Cortney Spruce » Websites & Resources for Learning

Websites & Resources for Learning

Here are the websites we use at Mildred Elementary, and you also have access to these websites at home.  We encourage you to further the education of your child by using these websites.  Instructions on how to get the websites are listed below.  The universal username for each child is their firstnamelastinitial and their password is their lunch number.
Enter Universal username and password
Choose from the drop down box:
Country: United States
State: Texas
District: Mildred Independent School District, Corsicana, 75109
School: Mildred School, Corsicana 75109
Enter Universal username and password for student
Select Student tab (first on left)
Enter Universal username and password for student
Choose Domain - mildred.mildred.tx
Enter Universal username and password for student
Enter Universal username and password for student
Other Great Free or Mostly Free Websites!!
does not require a login
does not require a login
does not require a login